Saturday, December 28, 2024

Ironworkers and Their Monuments (Not) in New England

My latest local history post went live yesterday on Old Colony History Museum's blog, here

It's all about the 90-foot, $100K+ monument to the Leonard family and their ironworks that never got built

It was a detective story for me, and I'm not sure I got it right. But I'm close, I hope.

James Leonard lived and worked in Taunton and Raynham, but his brother and other family members launched an ironworks, the Rowley Village Forge Site, in modern-day Boxford, near my home on the North Shore. 

I did a walking tour here.

In 2014, I also did a picture tour of the Saugus Ironworks here. James and Henry worked at "Hammerstimith," its colonial name, before heading south to Raynham and north to Boxford.

Meanwhile, I walked the dry river bed of the Rio Grande yesterday. Pictures to follow.

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